
Digital Darwinism: Are You Adapting or Risking Business Extinction?

Stemming from the theory of evolution, Digital Darwinism is a naturally occurring process in the business landscape. It means that businesses have to incorporate digital technology into their organizational business plans, reshaping their business structures to better fit customer and employee behavior.

To achieve business success, it is essential to consider three key categories: organization, process, and people. Taking a holistic approach to each section, with continuous evaluation and progression, becomes fundamental. The primary focus should be prioritizing customer gratification while working towards business goals. 

Businesses require a comprehensive database that stores information about services, transactions, and purchases; this is where digital transformation plays a vital role, paving the way for a culture of business innovation in omnichannel experiences and introducing faster data-collecting, productivity, and quality control. 

This article addresses the risks and necessity of adaptation, its implications in business, and how Digital Darwinism fits in the picture.

The Need for Digital Transformation

Business progression is an ever-growing strategy. Quality enhancement and marketing campaigns might be the way to reap benefits, but how employees and organizations go about their business is the ultimate success. In today’s modern business landscape, at least 60% of business executives believe in investing in digital transformation. It offers businesses a variety of benefits, from increased efficiency to improved customer experience; this can be achieved by reshaping the workforce, information processing, and data entry.

E-commerce and brand awareness are two areas that rely heavily on digital marketing. For example, introducing a web app increases accessibility but still requires a personal shopping experience. Today, AI enables businesses to identify shopping patterns, traffic, and consumer needs using algorithms and AI analysis. When shoppers log in, they are provided with a personalized experience based on their previous purchases and offered relevant products they might benefit from.

Digital transformation improves efficiency by collecting automated data insights using the latest technologies; this can help limit business errors and reduce manual labor, allowing employees to focus on prioritized tasks. DX, also known as digital transformation, increases employee engagement. The software can showcase assessments and thorough analysis, allowing employees to make informed decisions quickly and communicate easily to ensure healthy business growth.

The risk of not adapting to digital technologies begins inward and branches outwards. An outdated infrastructure is hard to maintain and costly. Companies usually pay large sums to maintain their working environment, limiting the resources needed to incorporate cloud software investments.

Old customer service methods can result in losing customers. For example, when shoppers or customers feel like they have to elaborate or continue to shift from one representative to another to convey their needs, they feel frustrated. Nowadays, customers look forward to a seamless and effortless experience. Poorly trained employees can also impact shoppers with a negative attitude or improper delivery. DX technologies answer questions directly and refer customers to their needs. Additionally, it enhances the shopping experience, making it fun to explore options.

Digital transformation increases brand awareness and expands market entry. Local businesses can provide online services, and with social media and influencers, companies can influence customer opinion, preventing them from falling behind the competition.

Key Areas of Digital Transformation

There are practical steps to adapt to digital technologies. Businesses can invest in automation by optimizing mobile devices and leveraging data analytics. Mobile implementation can be easily done by launching a website that complies with optimized speed, compressed images, and zero pop-ups; this will help businesses increase their Core Web Vitals numbers.

Instead of using an m-dot subdomain, a responsive design that can adapt to different screen dimensions and shift column sizes depending on the mobile device can improve SEO. Additionally, websites can be optimized for speed. Websites that load in one second have three times higher conversion than sites that load in five seconds. To increase speed, try embedding links to videos on a personal website while hosting them on a third-party website. When uploading images, use compressed images in the JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, AVIF, or WebP format to help with download speed without reducing image quality. For animation, avoid Adobe Flash and use HTML5 instead to limit browser plugins.

It is important to double-check websites and ensure that all content is compatible between the desktop and mobile versions. Optimize the website by de-cluttering calls to action on pages. Use white space and limit calls to a contact form.

A great example of a company that has adapted to the digital era is Estée Lauder. Estée Lauder found that mobile devices and chats were the way to pivot their selling points. In their Shanghai stores, they used WeChat mini-programs for bookings and event hosting. They also used these programs for personal experiences and self-service payments.

Estée Lauder also went above and beyond to invest in their staff members by incorporating tools with amenities for better collaboration and communication, allowing them to offer quick solutions and space for creative ideas.

Overcoming the Challenges of Digital Transformation

Old habits die hard, and some businesses are locked in their methods and are content with their work. However, this may lead to a drawback in their growth. Slowly but surely, companies can shift towards a broader vision, changing corporate mentality and business methods that have been long instilled by many studies and strategies that businesses are built upon and have proven functional.

Nevertheless, consumer and employee mentality continue to evolve. Businesses rely on services or products, which rely heavily on employee productivity and satisfaction. Digital transformation, although appealing, comes with a set of concerns. Employees are always afraid of technology turnover, so it is crucial to focus on employees when introducing technologies that can help facilitate needs and productivity. This shift begins with insightful questions that can help determine what changes must be made.

  • How are business goals achieved? 
  • What tasks are time-consuming, and what technology can assist employees in reaching strategic business initiatives?
  • How can AI or digital transformation aid in communication among employees?
  • How can it enhance customer satisfaction? 

While employees submit extensive data resources, leadership teams are reluctant to use them and prefer to “go with their gut.” Economic Intelligence Unit and PriceWaterhouseCoopers conducted a recent study and found that 79% of executives make a “major” decision every quarter; such impactful decisions can gross over $1 billion in revenue; nevertheless, 32% of the executives in the PWC study use analytics or data when forming these decisions.

The mismatch between gut-based business practices and data-driven decision-making can cause a fallback in the accuracy of decision-making and business strategies. Tracing examples of success stories can help executives and employees overcome this barrier; acknowledging the importance of automated data entry can help reduce the gap in data retention and analysis. 

Institutions that are behind on their data entry are less likely to be able to embrace the link between modern technology and data platforms like the Internet of Things and data analysis; opportunities for creativity and key innovation will be lost in that process. 

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges and Succeeding in Digital Transformation

While there is no one way to go about things, there are simple given steps that can help implement digital transformation within businesses without causing too much trouble or turbulence in the institution; below are three methods that can help minimize the downside of incorporating the digital age technology into institutions and businesses:  

Routine Training

Before introducing new technology, employees must understand its need or the “why” behind the digital change. They need to know how it can help progress the business and reward them while also rewarding the business.

Dr. Daniel Cable, a professor and chair of organizational behavior at the London Business School, said, “Let people understand the reasons for the change and make sure they have a clear picture of what will improve when they get there.” However, simply talking to employees about the need for a digital organization is insufficient.

Companies must invest in their team members, understanding, and bold vision to win the digital transformation race. Celebrating past success should not hinder the need for newer and modern ways. On the contrary, a culture of change starts with reviewing work styles, setbacks, and obstacles and how they may contribute to a failure to improve.

Routine training is one way companies can invest in new capabilities for employees within their current role, ensuring they have the skills necessary to keep up with the fast-paced and dynamic shifts of modern business.

Implementing a comprehensive training program for employees about their current position and how digital transformation can aid in direct and indirect business ways leads to mastery of relevant and new skills needed for better and more productive performance; this reduces the frustrations likely to happen when introducing new technology.

Such training should include all employees, starting with executives and all the way to staff members from all departments. Constant encouragement and support should be provided throughout the immersive training.

Digital transformation often requires moving out of the comfort zone into new territory. Therefore, experimentation should be encouraged to reassure and comfort employees new to the technology or slightly higher on the sensitivity chart. Mistakes should be seen as a point of triumph and inclusivity. They show that the trainees are trying and the trainers welcome their effort. It has been known that employees who explore and make mistakes often find newer and easier ways of doing tasks at a higher pace, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Offering Professional Development Courses

Routine training typically focuses on the current occupation or role. However, newer roles or positions may impact employee morale and confidence as a business grows. Employees may feel taken advantage of or reduced to menial work if they cannot learn new skills and advance their careers.

Sometimes, corporations may withhold information from employees to preserve them and reduce competition from headhunters. However, this can lead to problems such as low morale and decreased productivity.

To avoid these problems, investing in developmental courses can give staff something to look forward to and act as a hidden incentive.

These courses can focus on upcoming goals and the new equipment that will be included. They can also elaborate and demonstrate the functionality of this technology and ensure members that the transformation is not about replacing efforts but facilitating them.

The incentive is a hidden plus that implies employee advancement and guarantees a new position in the facility; this demonstrates how businesses are invested in their staff and keeping them happy, which translates as corporate loyalty to the workforce.

Embracing a New Work Environment Culture

Culture begins with communication, and part of integrating a digital transformation begins with creating a dialogue with employees. However, some employees are reluctant to change when it is forced or unforeseen. Thus, creating a dialogue with employees and keeping a safe space to discuss their needs and concerns leads to cooperation and improvement.

The chain of command or HR department can host a meeting to ask employees about what they require and want in digital improvements. Work culture greatly impacts how individuals receive their jobs and tasks, and effective communication and interest in the employee result in an easily achieved digital transformation through increased employee engagement. The digital advances of DX (Digital Transformation) change employees and customers and how they interact; it creates an omnichannel whereby consumers can easily and directly reach out to businesses, keeping them ahead of the competition.

One example to consider for shifting the work environment using digital transformation is Connected Home. This British utility company, Centrica, which offers “smart home” appliances, changed how their team interacts with customers. Using automated research and feedback on their operation and sales, the team became more connected and immersed in their jobs. Connected Home became a market leader in a short period in their approach to launching a “smart thermostat” device. By collecting data and insight into the consumer mentality, they shifted the organizational norms by making employees closer to consumers.

While older employees may resist this type of transition in work styles, business owners should recognize their insight and invaluable experience in the business and how they could use help with digital transformations. When employees feel valued, heard, and seen, they become more open to change, improving internal employee engagement.

While bonuses and incentives drive adoption, digital transformation, too, can increase employee engagement. Flexibility is another key important in work culture for employees’ comfort. In a survey, seventy-two percent of recipients stated that flexibility could positively impact their performance and sense of employee engagement. 

Using digital transformation, productivity, and flexibility are achieved at a higher rate, especially when employees are allowed to work remotely using their own devices or the company provides tools to utilize their efforts and impact employee engagement and consumer reach. The digital transformation benefits become more tangible, and staff members are likely to appreciate the transformation and adapt to it simultaneously.


By embracing digital transformation, new tools and key elements are fostered within the working space, and the ability to recreate and establish a working foundation leads to innovation, pioneers, and adaptability in a rapidly changing landscape. Business models are reinterpreted, and new products and services emerge, leading to growth and thriving businesses in the digital age. Continued investment and innovation are key to staying ahead of the curve and surviving the cruel reality of modern ways; even though most businesses oppose silly trends, adaptability seems to form collaborative and fluid work environments. 

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